I Could Never Replace Cock With My Rabbit — Or Could I?

I’ve loved cock since before I knew what it was and what it could do.

Dilana Rose
2 min readJan 22, 2023


Photo by Jernej Graj on Unsplash

I loved playing with cock in the sandpit when I realized that boys had something I didn’t. They loved me playing with it and I loved the thrill of being naughty.

Once my boobs grew into more than handfuls, boys my own age wanted to trade — I could play with their cock if they could feel my boobs. I loved the way they experimented with innocent fumbles through to learning how to make me moan with tongue swirls or tiny nibbles around my nipples.

But men are fickle creatures. They don’t like being used just for sex. So, I have a collection of vibrators to help me out during any dry spells.

If I want slow and teasing, there’s a setting for that. Do I want a vibration around my tight hole while something large fills my cunt? My Rabbit will do anything I want.

If I want a lazy, early morning orgasm before my first coffee, my Rabbit is ready for business, no conversation needed.

At times, I think I could replace all the cock in the world with a draw full of vibrators and dildos.



Dilana Rose

Erotica written for men, loved by women and praise slut for all. Follow me for random hookups, cheating wives, hotwife, freeuse and forbidden desires.