Caught On Camera — Confessions of a Cheating Wife — Clarise #1

I’d been a bad wife. I’d been a bad girl. I deserved to be punished.

Dilana Rose
7 min readMay 27, 2023


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“Ready for movie night?” My husband asked, patting the sofa seat next to him. “I’ve made the popcorn and the dishes are in the dishwasher.”

I should have been suspicious when he suggested I had a leisurely bath while he cleaned up after dinner.

It wasn’t my birthday.

It wasn’t our anniversary.

Actually, there had been times recently when I thought we wouldn’t make it to our next anniversary.

“Thank you,” I said, kissing him lightly on the cheek as I snuggled next to him. I wore one of his old flannel shirts over a pair of white briefs and his hands automatically wrapped around my hips, finding and playing with the elastic.

I tried to feel something. I loved my husband but there hadn’t been any spark between us for months. Not since I’d…



Dilana Rose

Erotica written for men, loved by women and praise slut for all. Follow me for random hookups, cheating wives, hotwife, freeuse and forbidden desires.